Hi, I'm John and this is a blog about what I notice as I walk along; things and thoughts, objects and observations. In particular it’s about wild walks, wild camps and the history embedded in our beautiful landscapes.
I’m likely to walk along near my home in Bristol, or on Dartmoor, my favourite escape.
I've been a keen lightweight hiker for more years than my knees care to remember. Work and family life mean I spend far more time thinking about hiking than actually doing it. It also means more weekend jaunts than month long epics.
I've always been grateful to enthusiasts who make time to publish route guides, tips and outdoor gear reviews, especially those considerate of sustainability and UK walking conditions. In a noisy world of paid reviews, machine generated content and opinionated affiliate blogs these authentic opinions are rare and precious. I hope one day this blog will be of similar use to someone.
I’m also keen to promote small gear manufacturers in the UK, it’s easy for their voices to be lost and the social and sustainability advantages of their products to be overlooked.
I’m learning as I walk along and welcome any comments, especially if you spot anything inaccurate, misleading or missing.